We have been working with large and small companies, as well as individuals. Our clients are from all over the world. Wherever you are from, you are welcome!
Computer sciences engineers
Over 14 years of experience
On the market since 2008
100% Happy clients
7 years of virtual tours development
Wordpress and plugins development
Server installation and optimisation
Cloud configuration and optimisation
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Our Skills & Services
Who We Are & What We Do
What we are good at
Listening and understanding your needs is our first priority.
We have been developing virtual tours since 2007. Our expertise is in photography, stitching, virtual tours development and deployment.
We can take the picture on site or you can provide us with the images, from photography or 3D rendered applications.
We are computer sciences engineers with expertise in complex graphic user interfaces (GUI) and architecture.
Krpano virtual tours
Architecture design
Flash and HTML5/CSS3D
Php & MySQL development
Wordpress expertise
Plugins development
Server (Linux) configuration
Cloud deployment
We offer SEO optimisation, including server customisation (database and load), cloud and CDN configuration and best practices application.
We can also offer consulting, depending on your needs.
If you are in our geographical area, we also offer on site technical maintenance, network configuration, desktop and mobile installation and configuration.